Revenue Cycle Solution

Pioneering Positive Cash Results through Unique Revenue Cycle Optimization


Texican Inc.

Texican Inc. specializes in achieving positive cash results in partnership with healthcare systems and physician groups. Established in 1991, we have delivered sustainable year-over-year results through our unique, hands-on approach to revenue cycle performance optimization.

Life of A Claim

Life of A Claim™, Texican Inc. flagship offering, is a transformative process that combines cutting-edge technology, hands-on expertise, and a systematic approach to uncover opportunities for cash gains within healthcare organizations. Our method involves a thorough exploration of the entire life of a claim—from discovery to implementation—forging a path that extends beyond the initial engagement. Leveraging our system of metrics, staff training, and specialized software, we not only optimize your current performance but also establish lasting legacy processes for sustained financial success.

Contact Our Team

Ready to reveal the full potential of your healthcare organization’s cash flow? Dive deeper into Texican Inc. revolutionary Life of A Claim offering by filling out the contact form below. Discover how our innovative approach, blending advanced technology, hands-on expertise, and a commitment to sustainable results can elevate your revenue cycle performance. Take the first step towards optimizing your financial health and organizational success. We look forward to connecting with you soon.

2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1300
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Tony Reyna: (310) 384-7000
Douglass Myers: (360) 772-2667